









   机器人机构学理论与控制,农业机器人应用。主要包括并联机构的型综合、性能评价,并联机器人的动力学、轨迹规划与运动控制。现担任Mechanism and Machine TheoryProceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering ScienceNonlinear Dynamics等期刊审稿人。


[1] Yachao Cao, Yanzhi Zhao, Tie Zhang, Guangcai Ma. Construction Method of Parallel Mechanisms with a Partially Constant Jacobian Matrix, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2020, 145: 103699.

[2] Yanzhi Zhao, Yachao Cao, Xianwen Kong, Tieshi Zhao. Type Synthesis of Parallel Mechanisms with a Constant Jacobian Matrix, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics-Transactions of The ASME, 2018, 10(6): 061011.

[3] Yachao Cao, Yanzhi Zhao, Tie Zhang, Guangcai Ma. Performance Analysis of 3-PPRU Parallel Mechanism with a Completely/Partially/Non Constant Jacobian Matrix, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2020, 34(10): 4263-4279.

[4] Tie Zhang, Yachao Cao, Guangcai Ma. Trajectory Planning of 3-CRU Parallel Robot with Linear Kinematics Equation, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2022;236(17):9589-9609.

[5] Tie Zhang, Yachao Cao, Guangcai Ma. Indices to Evaluate Manipulability to Transmit Force and Homogeneity to Resist Deformations for Parallel Mechanisms, Strojniški Vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2022, 68(6): 411-423.

[6] Yanzhi Zhao, Yachao Cao, Caifeng Zhang, Tieshi Zhao. Error Modeling and Experimental Study of a Flexible Joint 6-UPUR Parallel Six-Axis Force Sensor, Sensor, 2017, 17(10): 2238.

[7] 赵延治,曹亚超,梁博文,赵铁石. 一类恒定雅可比矩阵移动并联机构的判定与综合, 机械工程学报, 2017, 53(5): 101-107.

[8] 张铁,曹亚超,邹焱飚,马广才. 基于前馈力矩和滑模控制的3-CRU并联机器人轨迹跟踪研究, 华中科技大学学报, 2022

[9] Tie Zhang, Guangcai Ma, Yachao Cao. Accuracy Calibration of a 3-CRU Translational Parallel Robot based on the Subset of Error Measurements, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2021, 235(18): 3737-3748.

[10] Tie Zhang, Guangcai Ma, Yachao Cao. Trajectory Tracking Control of a 3-CRU Translational Parallel Robot Based on PD+robust Controller, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2022, 36(8): 4243-4255.

[11] Yanzhi Zhao, Jinglei Wang, Yachao Cao, Bowen Liang, Tieshi Zhao. Constant Motion/force Transmission Analysis and Synthesis of a Class of Translational Parallel Mechanisms, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2017, 108: 57-74.

[12] 赵延治,梁博文,曹亚超,赵铁石. 恒定雅可比3-PRRR移动并联机构及其传递性能研究,农业机械学报, 2017 (1): 333-338.

[13] Yanzhi Zhao, Bowen Liang, Yachao Cao, Shuai Li, Rui Han. A 3-PRRU Translational Parallel Mechanism with Constant Jacobian Matrix and Its Transmissibility Performance Analysis, ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications, 2017 11(2): 317-324.


[1] 赵延治, 曹亚超, 梁博文. 一种可变形并联三维动态力传感器. 国家发明专利. (授权号: ZL201610545930.4)

[2] 赵延治, 梁博文, 曹亚超. 一种重载自平衡三自由度并联机构. 国家发明专利. (授权号: ZL201610530258.1)


